“Raising awareness of dental care for the elderly with special health needs.”

🦷✨ The Board of Geriatric Dentistry under the aegis of FSCD invites you to GeriaDent 24’ this October 19-20! 🌟

About Conference

Modern Day Solutions to Age-Old Problems

KSR Institute of Dental Science & Research (KSRIDSR), Tiruchengode, in collaboration with the Board of Geriatric Dentistry under the aegis of the Federation of Special Care Dentistry (FSCD), is proud to present a step towards raising awareness about geriatric dental care.


Conference Vision

Why Attend?

Key Topics

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Learn From Renowned educators & innovators

Our esteemed speakers are leading experts in geriatric dentistry, with vast experience in treating elderly patients, addressing special health needs, and advancing oral healthcare for seniors. They bring a wealth of knowledge from both clinical practice and academic research, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of modern solutions for age-related dental challenges. Join us to gain insights from these renowned professionals in the field.

Event Agenda

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  • Day 1

  • Day 2

Geriadent Committee Members

2 Days of Academic Extravaganza
Paper & Keynote Presentation

Call for free papers

From practitioners, post graduate students, undergraduate students, interns.


We appreciate our supporters

Partner with us and showcase your brand to a targeted audience. Be a part of this impactful initiative to promote dental care for the elderly.



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